2017 Summer Camp

2017 7/10-7/28  Renaissance Dance Studio Summer Camp

Join Ms. Jia and Ms. Zhou’s 3 weeks of art & dance summer camp today!

  • Hours: 8:00am to 6:00pm
  • $340 per week for 5 Full Days
  • Ballet, Chinese Dance, Art & Craft, games & theatre performance.
  • Age: 5-15
  • Max Capacity: 20 students

中興國劇社推出暑期特別課程, 為孩子提供開心學習體驗!


Renaissance Summer Camp

Address: 432 NJ-34
Matawan, NJ 07747

Phone : 201-993-5247

Email: jennyjiajy@yahoo.com

WeChat ID: JennyJiaYJ

Website: https://www.njcos.org/2017-summer-camp/

About Jia, YongHong

Chinese opera singer, actress, teacher of performing arts. From 1991 to 1999 Ms. Jia also engaged in various TV and movie productions. As a leading actress, she won many awards for her acting. Ms. Jia was invited by New York Lincoln Center Festival production.  Currently She is a dance teacher at Huaxia and Fidelity Chinese School.


歌唱、 崑曲、影視 演員 從師著名聲樂教育家金鐵林先生學習民族聲樂演唱; 多次歌唱比賽中獲獎;畢業於北京戲曲學院崑曲班;任北京北方崑曲劇院任主要演員。參加多部影視片如: <王貴與李香香>任女主角-李香香。主演多部電影及電視片如:<熒屏奇遇>、<人之初>、<阿方與金珠>、<青年毛澤東>、<夾縫>、 <天橋夢>、<戲說慈禧>、<怪王別傳>等。並在北京電視台兒童節目<七色光>中擔任過節目主持人。1999年應美國紐約林肯中心邀請參加全本55出<牡丹亭>演出主演春香。造成轟動,隨後隨該劇組出訪多國。

About Zhou, Min

Award winning professional dancer and teacher, Ms Zhou and her students have been awarded in many major dance competitions.  Currently, Ms. Zhou is a dance teacher for Jersey Shore Chinese School.


中國國家一級演員!原湖北省歌劇舞劇院主要演員!曾代表中國文化部出訪二十多個國家演出大獲好評,曾演的舞劇和舞蹈比賽中獲金獎文化獎一等獎! 2000年定居紐約,曾在New York Chinese Cultural Center新苗文藝中心新苗舞蹈團任主要演員! 2005年加入Nai-Ni Chen Dance company 至今任主要演員和主要教師,為宏揚中國文化取得了一定成績!也獲了優秀教師獎,學生得獎無數!