Happy Chinese New Year!!! Welcome to the year of the Rat. On the day of the Chinese New Year, Renaissance Chinese Opera Society students and Ms. Jia along with friends from the Jersey Joy Club were proud to present the pre-show program at NJPAC. The students performed QiPao catwalk, a traditional Chinese woman dress, then followed by Ms. Jia’s Peking Opera “Pearl flower Song” accompanied by the Jersey Joy Club.
大年初一,卻有著春天般和風細雨;為了信守承諾、完成義務演出任務,我們中興國劇社與“新州多姿俱樂部”幾位美女姐姐們及我們“葵藝教育中心黃子桐老師模特走秀班”的三位美少女們,沒有被疫情嚇到隨意 cancel 演出,一同受邀參加並圖滿完成了2020年NJPAC Chinese New Year Celebration 的表演。新朋老友同歡聚,熱熱鬧鬧過大年!感謝主辦方老師們的邀請;感謝好友姐妹們和小美女们及家長們的給力支持;感謝咱們新州職業美女名模黃子桐老師對我們葵藝教育中心模特班小美女們悉心的教導與辛苦的付出;再次祝大家鼠年大吉大利!